Cabbage - Golden Acre
Approx 100 seeds per packet
Small to medium sized green, sweet tasting heads around 15cm in size.
When to plant:
Cool Climate: Feb to Apr, Aug, Sep
Temperate Climate: Feb to Apr, Aug, Sep
Arid Climate: Mar to May, Jul to Sep
Sub Tropical: Apr to Jun
Tropical: Mar to May
Planting Info:
Germination Temperature: 18°C to 24°C
Plant Spacing: 50cm
Plant Height: 40cm
Position: Full sun to part shade
Seed depth: 5mm
Germination time: 6 to 12 days
Maturity Time: 60 to 120 days
Growing Tips:
Start seeds in trays/punnets, waiting until plants have about 6 leaves before transplanting to the veggie patch. Protect from cabbage moths and their green caterpillars by netting.